Monthly Archives: March 2007

Now Look Who’s Walking !

By the time Brooklyn was nine months old, she was already pulling herself up and grabbing on to our fingers so we could walk her around the house.

At ten and a half months, she’s now walking around the house holding on to only one of our fingers and often times lets go and takes four to five steps on her own.

Brooklyn doesn’t believe in just sitting still or playing quietly on the floor. She is on the go 24/7 and we barely have the energy to keep up to her.

She loves the feeling of independence and is very curious about everyone and everything around her.

She cannot wait to walk on her own. Watch out!

Look Who’s Crawling

For months now, Brooklyn has been ready to crawl. On March 14th, Mommy’s birthday, she finally put her skills in action!

One minute she was just sitting there and the next minute she was racing around all over our living room carpet right before our eyes!

Now we can’t get Brooklyn to sit still for a minute!

Well … maybe for just one minute.

A Visit From Grandma and Grandpa

Look who’s holding Brooklyn? It’s Grandma Mary! Brooklyn was very excited when Grandma and Grandpa came for a visit this weekend. Brooklyn loved all the cuddles, kisses and attention!

Grandpa Dan enjoyed walking Brooklyn around the house as she kicked every ball in sight and stepped on every toy that crossed her path. Most of all, she enjoyed grabbing at Grandpa’s beard and playing the keyboard while he and grandma watched.

By the time Grandma and Grandpa were ready to head for home, Brooklyn was all pooped out and ready for a nap. It’s tough being a baby and having to entertain your grandparents when they come to visit. It’s not easy being SO cute!