Monthly Archives: April 2007


What did Brooklyn do for her very first Easter?

We spent Easter this year with Jason’s family. Brooklyn loved her Easter basket and extra goodies given to her from Great Grandma, Grandma and Auntie Deanna.

Brielle loved sharing her Easter with her sister this year.

So did Brooklyn.

During Easter Brunch at Tom and Jo’s, Brooklyn experienced her first Easter Egg hunt and her first Penny Grab.

She loved it so much she wouldn’t let go of the money!

Brooklyn played with auntie Rachel and uncle Geoff!

She LOVED playing with her cousin Zach. He’s so fun!

We can’t forget about all the love she got from Auntie Deanna!

And more attention from uncle Kevin and auntie Holley …

Too Cute …. That’s Me!

Outta my way, I’m lookin for my toys!

I just had a bath.

I’m thinking about my life.

Is anyone looking?

Look, it’s Bunny taking a picture with me.

I climb stairs now.

All gone …

Me and Brielle enjoying the sunshine on Sunday.

Just me in the tub …