Monthly Archives: May 2007

Brielle’s 9th Birthday!

Brielle’s friends …

Brielle and her best friend Ileana celebrated their birthday together this year.

Hip Hop was the theme of their party.

A chocolate cake …

Funny smiles …

and lots to eat …

Brooklyn’s World

Hrm…I wonder what’s down there?


Hrm…can I eat these?

Yes, I know I’m cute.


Ha ha … you’re funny Daddy.
What’s under here?

What did I do?
Just a minute…I have to get something.
I like boxes and newspaper.

Brooklyn’s First Birthday

Mmm…this cake is good, Daddy!

Finger-licking good!

Why are you cleaning me, Nonno Tony?
Daddy says, “No!”

I like frosting …

Do I have to wear a princess hat?

Yah…time for presents!

Look what I got?