Monthly Archives: June 2007

Brooklyn’s First Year of Life

Brooklyn: Born on May 14th, 2006 … Mother’s Day.

June 2006

July 2006

August 2006

September 2006

October 2006

November 2006

December 2006

January 2007

February 2007

March 2007

April 2007

May 2007

June 2007

Brooklyn would like to thank all of her friends, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and especially Mom and Dad for helping to make her first year of life so fun and exciting!

The Beach

Guess who loves the beach?

Guess who loves the sand?

Feels good …

Mommy and Brooklyn admiring the view.

Splashin around…

Brielle getting her feet wet …

Brooklyn eating sand while Dad poses for the camera.

Brielle looking out over the water.

Playing catch with Brooklyn….just kidding!

Just going for a stroll….Daddy and daughter.

Hey guys! Look at me!

Dirty feet…