Monthly Archives: August 2007

Lake Diablo

Me and Zach having a few laughs … while hanging out at our campsite.
Brielle and Matthew waiting to go to the nature show.

Just chillin ….while Grandpa makes us dinner.

Playing in Grandpa’s boat … way cool!

Brielle checking the lantern to make sure it works for bedtime.

Lounging in our chairs …

Snugglin with Mom.

My cousin Zach is SO funny.

Look at my teeth everybody!

Mommy posing by the water. Ain’t she cute?

Grandma posing for a picture with me. Ain’t Grandma cute too?

Posing with my auntie Deanna by the tree. Ain’t my auntie cute too?

Hiking through the trails …
Just me and my dad …


Our car ride up …

Strollin in the village …

Lookin around …

Waving at the people …

Keepin an eye out for birdies and doggies …

Brielle tries rock climbing for the first time.

She makes it all the way to the top faster than you can blink an eye.

She even tries golf…at the driving range. Who knew?

Hanging out with Jason while Brooklyn naps …

Posing by the waterfall….awwww!

Lots of hugs and kisses among sisters…

Us…at the Blackcomb Gondola.

Brielle chasing after Brooklyn every time she made a run for it.