Monthly Archives: October 2007

The Great Pumpkin

The weekend before Halloween was spent on a great adventure in the Pumpkin Patch with the Myers’ clan! We had oh SO much fun together!

Grandma Mary and Uncle Kevin were there!
Holley was too but she was hiding from the camera!

I was there!

Grandpa was there!

Brielle and my cousins Matthew and Zach were there!
Just me and Grandma …
Uncle Geoff and Auntie Rachel were there too!

Just me and my dad …
Isn’t Daddy a cutie?

Just chillin in the pumpkin store with Zach.
Hiding from Grandpa and his camera.
Ohhh no, he caught me!
Wow, look at Brielle in a blonde wig!
Woah, look at Brielle as a red-head!
Woah, look at Brielle and Matthew! Is that Matthew? Hrm …

Woah, who’s that girl?!?!?!

Brooklyn’s First BIG FAT ITALIAN Wedding

Here’s me at the Westwood Plateau Golf and Country Club for my 2nd cousin Brianna’s wedding.

Here’s Zio Frank and Zia Gina…sitting at the same table with us.

Here’s Zia Sabrina and her boyfriend Joe … they sat with us too!

Here’s me and mommy posing for a photo.

Here’s Brianna and Jordan … isn’t Brianna pretty?

Here’s my Nonna Rita and Nonno Tony.

Daddy and Mommy!!

Me kissing Mommy …

Me and Daddy … we walked around alot and talked to different people.
Here’s me with my Mommy and my Zia Sabrina!

Here I am again … thanks for looking at my pictures.
That’s all! We’re done! Good bye and see you next time!