Introducing … Hailey !

Brooklyn was very excited to meet her new baby sister Hailey on Tuesday, July 8th.
Baby Hailey was born at 1:41pm, weighed in at 8.6 lbs and measured 21 and a 1/2 cm in length.

Hailey is now at home with Mom, Dad, and sisters Brielle and Brooklyn. The girls are enjoying being big sisters to little Hailey.

Most of the time Hailey just eats and sleeps.

Check out her baby blues … we’re hoping they stay for good.

Proud auntie Sabrina visited Hailey in the hospital.

Another grandchild to add to Nonno Tony’s collection.

Another grandaughter for Nonna Rita to spoil.

Proud grandparents, Mary and Dan, came up from the USA to visit their newest grandchild. Papa took alot of pictures!

One thought on “Introducing … Hailey !

  1. Aunt Missy

    Congratulations Jason and Bruna!Hailey looks adorable! Another child to bless you! WOW! You have your hands full! Enjoy the days…they really do fly by….Aunt Missy

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