Monthly Archives: July 2009

Day Trip

Yesterday, we decided to drive across the border into Birch Bay, WA and visit my parents at their place in Beachwood Park. The day was filled with sunshine, fun at the pool, food and good old family fun. Hailey was in her glory roaming around outdoors.

Roasting marshmallows by the fire …

Ha ha … I didn’t eat 5 marshmallows already!

Hailey and Mommy
Brooklyn’s marshmallow face …


Brielle just recently turned 11 years old this year. About a week ago, she got an expander placed in her mouth to make room for all of her adult teeth coming in. She chooses not to smile in this picture but we all think she’s just as cute. One day, she’s going to smile big and we’re going to be in awe of her beautiful teeth. Yay!

Look Who’s Already One Years Old!

Hailey celebrated her 1st birthday on July 8th of this year. Grandma and Papa had a party for her. Hailey got to eat her very own special cupcake made by Grandma:)

She had no problem gobbling it all up. Yummy!

At home, Hailey had another party and got to eat yet another cupcake.
She was a pro by this time.
Sister Brooklyn and cousins Alissa, Alex and Austin were attendees at Hailey’s party.
They had a lot of fun!