Category Archives: Beach

Sunday at the Beach!

Hailey was so excited to sort through all the rocks along the beach.
She could have stayed all day!
Mommy and her girls … although Brielle was missing from this picture
we were thinking of her the whole time.
Daddy and his girls …
Brooklyn “Queen of the Beach” was in her happy place the whole time we hung out among the rocks, sand and water. She has become an experienced rock thrower!

Mommy trying to get hugs from Hailey who just wanted to go, go, go!

Daddy and Hailey … having a staring contest.
The best part of hanging out at the beach … ice-cream from Dulce Gelato.
It’s the best ice-cream place on the waterfront!

Day Trip

Yesterday, we decided to drive across the border into Birch Bay, WA and visit my parents at their place in Beachwood Park. The day was filled with sunshine, fun at the pool, food and good old family fun. Hailey was in her glory roaming around outdoors.

Roasting marshmallows by the fire …

Ha ha … I didn’t eat 5 marshmallows already!

Hailey and Mommy
Brooklyn’s marshmallow face …