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Brielle just recently turned 11 years old this year. About a week ago, she got an expander placed in her mouth to make room for all of her adult teeth coming in. She chooses not to smile in this picture but we all think she’s just as cute. One day, she’s going to smile big and we’re going to be in awe of her beautiful teeth. Yay!

Look Who’s Already One Years Old!

Hailey celebrated her 1st birthday on July 8th of this year. Grandma and Papa had a party for her. Hailey got to eat her very own special cupcake made by Grandma:)

She had no problem gobbling it all up. Yummy!

At home, Hailey had another party and got to eat yet another cupcake.
She was a pro by this time.
Sister Brooklyn and cousins Alissa, Alex and Austin were attendees at Hailey’s party.
They had a lot of fun!

Hailey’s Baptism

Great Grandma came to see Hailey on her baptismal day.
It was a great surprise!

Hailey was baptized on June 28th @ St. Anthony of Padua Parish
in Vancouver BC Canada.

Sabrina and Kevin are her God Parents.

Brooklyn said a special prayer for Hailey on her baptism day.

Hailey and her baptismal candle.
The Holy water …
A wet but happy little girl.
My sisters and I at our place for a late lunch celebration.

Papa and Brooklyn playing in the dirt.

Visiting …

Laughing …

Taking lots of photos!

Messy Hair Day

Look at me! I’m going through my tunnels.
Papa got me this for Christmas and daddy took it out today.
Here’s a hole. I can stand up if I want.

No pony tails or barrettes for me today!
Just a messy hair day!

Ha ha … it’s just a messy hair day!

Sunday: Fun at the Park!

Me, Mommy and Hailey at the playground:)

Hailey is sitting in the shade so she doesn’t get a sunburn.

Going down the slide…weeeeeee!
Look at me! I’m 3 years-old now and a big girl.
I can go down the slide all by myself.
Me and Daddy walked Hailey around the park.
She’s learning how to walk now.
Hailey trying to crawl.
She can do it but she hasn’t figured out how yet!

But she knows how to clap her hands…”clap, clap Hailey”!

Brooklyn’s 3rd Birthday Party!

Brooklyn giving Papa a hug and Papa turning her upside down!
Silly Papa:)
Hugs from Nonna Rita:) Brooklyn got socks,
sandals and a Dora game for the Wii!
Three candles on an ice-cream cake. Yummy!
Brooklyn saying thanks to uncle Frank for the cool Adidas runners!
… and Zia Gina too!

Grandma bought Brooklyn a Peek-a-Boo doll,
a cool blue sweat jacket from Gap
and a Dora Colouring Set.
Alissa and Brooklyn:)

Opening presents …

Hugs for Alex …
Hugs for Austin too!
Lots and lots of presents:)


♥ Uncle Kevin and Holley came too. They bought me
Fun Foam and Fingers Paints. Yahoo! ♥

Brielle’s Pizza and Bowling Birthday Party!

Brielle turns 11 years old this year.
We celebrated this Saturday with dinner at Boston
Pizza and bowling at Sandcastle Bowling Lanes.

Check out Brielle’s “Granny Style” bowling moves!
Chillin with friend Sydney while keeping track of the scores.
Anxiously eyeing her presents … “Hrm, I wonder what I got?”
Alissa, Brielle, Leslie, Kariss and Rihana:)

Sammi, Brielle, Ashley and Shayla:)
Brielle, Sydney, Ileana and Caitlin:)