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Brooklyn In The Hood

Brooklyn had her very first fall!
She took a face plant into the carpet hitting the
corner of her eye onto the edge of her walker.

Things are tough out there on Baby Street , you know !

Hey … you wanna piece of me ?

Sledding at Stevens Pass

Brielle spent the Boxing Day holiday (day after Christmas in Canada) sledding with her cousins Matthew and Zach up at Stevens Pass in Washington’s Cascade Mountains. Wow! The snow looks very deep!

Ummm … is someone a little bit hungry?

Call 911 … these kids have lost the lower half of their bodies!

Just chillin with my peeps …


Brielle Sledding

Matthew’s turn!

Zach goes for a spin!

Season’s Greetings

Wishing all of you a joyful Christmas and an up-coming new year filled with love, hope and happiness!

We’re ready to open presents !

Let me at ’em !

Watchya lookin’ at ?
Shhh … no talking in the library!


The Gnoato Gang

Alissa, Brielle and Alex.

Alissa and Alex are Brielle and Brooklyn’s cousins from Mom’s side of the family. Alissa is 7 and Alex is 5 years old. This duo of brother and sister can usually be found hanging out with Brielle alot. All three of them go to the same school. Alissa and Brielle even play soccer in the same league. Together, this trio can usually be heard before seen, which is bad for the sanity of their Nonna Rita, but good for the sales of Tylenol in the Lower Mainland. Trouble, trouble and more trouble!!

Who is this cute little guy holding Brooklyn? It’s Austin, Brielle and Brooklyn’s youngest cousin. As you can tell from the photo, Austin simply adores Brooklyn and loves to give her hugs and kisses. Sometimes, he tries to bonk her over the head or take her toys but usually someone catches him in the act before he causes any permanent damage. Don’t be fooled by his innocent little face. Austin can hold his own…anywhere, anytime!

Alissa and Brielle hanging around on the bars at Alissa’s gymnastics birthday party!

Hanging out at the park!

The Watson Boys

Brielle and Brooklyn love to spend time with their cousins Matthew and Zach. This photo was taken on Thanksgiving Day in the USA. The Myers family all gathered together to feast on a fabulous spread prepared by Papa and Grandma. Brielle’s favourites included Papa’s turkey stuffing, Deanna’s sweet potato casserole and Grandma’s tapioca pudding. Who can resist tapioca pudding?!?!

For Thanksgiving 2005, Jason and Deanna drove the kids up into the mountains to go sledding. On the way up there, the kids all thought they were going to get stuck in the snow or drive off the edge of the narrow, snow covered logging road Jason was trying to drive up. He managed to get them all back down the mountain without any serious damage to the car or the children, so everything turned out alright. Everyone built a snowman and got to slide around on sleds. They had a blast, although, when he asked the kids if they wanted to go back up in the snow this year they said, yeah…as long as they went to a different place and he didn’t drive.

During the summers, Brielle loves to spend time hiking with Matthew and Zach. This picture was taken during our family camping trip to Lake Diablo.

This past summer, Papa and Jason took Brielle and the boys on a day-long, fishing trip. Brielle learned how to hold a fishing rod and cast it out into the water. I don’t think anyone caught any fish but they all had fun trying!

Wow! Look at Brielle fishing!

For Easter last year, we all got together at Jason’s aunt Donna’s house for brunch and to have an Easter egg hunt in the backyard. The kids found a lot of hidden treats … chocolates and money!


Who needs school when you have snow!! Brielle was excited today because school was cancelled and she had the entire day to play in the white powdery substance that covered our entire neighbourhood. Besides having a snow ball fight with Alice, our home-stay student, Brielle spent the day building a snowman and practicing how to slip-n-slide around on her brand new snowboard.

Brooklyn took advantage of the day by getting all snuggly warm in her winter clothes and joining her sister in play in our backyard. It was Brooklyn’s first experience with the snow and from her facial expressions upon first seeing it, we think it was a big hit!

Who is the biggest kid of all? Hrm….I think it’s ….no, it’s not…..Jason, is it? YES IT IS!!!! Jason awoke this morning and drove off in his truck only to come back with a miniature snowboard for Brielle. Besides shovelling snow, Jason found plenty of time to teach Brielle how to get on, balance and ride on her brand new board.
What a Dad!!!!!

What did Mom do all day? Well …she spent most of her day making the house look like it was almost Christmas. Out came the Christmas decor!! Mom did manage to get outside just long enough to show Brooklyn the snow and take some photos.
It was COLD !!!

The Myers Girls

Brielle and Brooklyn’s
first photo shoot together!

Brielle posing alone and showing us
what a big girl she has become!

Brooklyn loving the camera
and being the centre of attention!

always smiling and laughing!

Sisterly Love

This is one of our favourite photos! The two girls look so happy and cute together. Brielle is really enjoying being a big sis to Brooklyn. Brielle has learned how to pick her up and hold her with care. Brooklyn absolutely adores Brielle! She can often be found staring at her in hopes to gain her attention or becomes extremely excited when Brielle talks to her. The two sisters have grown to adore each other. It is wonderful to see Brielle take such care in watching over her little sis.

Who’s That Girl?

Brielle and Brooklyn had a great Halloween! It was Brooklyn’s very first October 31st celebration. Brielle dressed up like “Foxy Cleopatra” from the motion picture movie AustinPowers. Brooklyn dressed up like a bat! As you can see from the photo above, Brooklyn tried on wigs with Mommy for fun! Although Brooklyn did not go trick or treating with her big Sis Brielle, she did enjoy a spooky evening at home with Dad giving out treats to the kids in the neighbourhood. Brielle, on the otherhand, spent the evening collecting treats with Mom!