Lake Diablo

Me and Zach having a few laughs … while hanging out at our campsite.
Brielle and Matthew waiting to go to the nature show.

Just chillin ….while Grandpa makes us dinner.

Playing in Grandpa’s boat … way cool!

Brielle checking the lantern to make sure it works for bedtime.

Lounging in our chairs …

Snugglin with Mom.

My cousin Zach is SO funny.

Look at my teeth everybody!

Mommy posing by the water. Ain’t she cute?

Grandma posing for a picture with me. Ain’t Grandma cute too?

Posing with my auntie Deanna by the tree. Ain’t my auntie cute too?

Hiking through the trails …
Just me and my dad …


Our car ride up …

Strollin in the village …

Lookin around …

Waving at the people …

Keepin an eye out for birdies and doggies …

Brielle tries rock climbing for the first time.

She makes it all the way to the top faster than you can blink an eye.

She even tries golf…at the driving range. Who knew?

Hanging out with Jason while Brooklyn naps …

Posing by the waterfall….awwww!

Lots of hugs and kisses among sisters…

Us…at the Blackcomb Gondola.

Brielle chasing after Brooklyn every time she made a run for it.

B is for Brielle

Brielle is not a little girl anymore. She’s growing into a beautiful young lady right before our eyes. This past May 29th, she turned 9 years old. In September, she will be in grade four. Wow! Where has all the time gone?

Not only is Brielle growing up quicker than we want but she has become and been a wonderful big sister to Brooklyn. Brielle adores her little sis and enjoys playing and sharing hugs with her. Brooklyn loves attention she gets from Brielle!

Besides being a big sister, Brielle enjoys doing many things. She recently took a ride on a boat and went fishing with her step-dad Jason while we vacationed up at the Sunshine Coast. She was very brave and very serious about fishing.

One of Brielle’s favourite places is the beach. We spend a lot of time at the beach taking walks, eating ice-cream and playing in the sand and water. Mommy likes taking pictures of Brielle.

Brielle has lots of friends. She spends most of her time with Ileana, Caitlin and Ashley. They have alot of fun together.

Brielle is a good teacher. She shows Brooklyn how to do and say alot of things. Brooklyn loves playing with her big sis any chance she gets.

This spring, Brielle played on a softball team for the very first time. She had a ton of fun and became very good at catching and throwing the ball.

Brielle is a pretty cool kid. We love her alot!

The Sunshine Coast

Who’s that big girl at the beach?

Brielle looking out over the water.

Mommy and Brooklyn taking a rest and enjoying the view.

Who can resist that smile and those ‘chubby’ cheeks?

Our hike to Snookumchuck Narrows …

Brooklyn’s first hike in her new backpack.

Brooklyn takes hiking VERY seriously.

Brielle searching the waters for starfish.

Brooklyn’s First Year of Life

Brooklyn: Born on May 14th, 2006 … Mother’s Day.

June 2006

July 2006

August 2006

September 2006

October 2006

November 2006

December 2006

January 2007

February 2007

March 2007

April 2007

May 2007

June 2007

Brooklyn would like to thank all of her friends, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and especially Mom and Dad for helping to make her first year of life so fun and exciting!

The Beach

Guess who loves the beach?

Guess who loves the sand?

Feels good …

Mommy and Brooklyn admiring the view.

Splashin around…

Brielle getting her feet wet …

Brooklyn eating sand while Dad poses for the camera.

Brielle looking out over the water.

Playing catch with Brooklyn….just kidding!

Just going for a stroll….Daddy and daughter.

Hey guys! Look at me!

Dirty feet…

Brielle’s 9th Birthday!

Brielle’s friends …

Brielle and her best friend Ileana celebrated their birthday together this year.

Hip Hop was the theme of their party.

A chocolate cake …

Funny smiles …

and lots to eat …

Brooklyn’s World

Hrm…I wonder what’s down there?


Hrm…can I eat these?

Yes, I know I’m cute.


Ha ha … you’re funny Daddy.
What’s under here?

What did I do?
Just a minute…I have to get something.
I like boxes and newspaper.

Brooklyn’s First Birthday

Mmm…this cake is good, Daddy!

Finger-licking good!

Why are you cleaning me, Nonno Tony?
Daddy says, “No!”

I like frosting …

Do I have to wear a princess hat?

Yah…time for presents!

Look what I got?